The Quotidian, July 30, 2010 ~ Hope as an Act of Defiance

“I believe in hope as an act of defiance, or rather as the foundation for an ongoing series of acts of defiance, those acts necessary to bring about some of what we hope for and to live by principle in the meantime. There is no alternative, except surrender. And surrender abandons not only the future, it abandons the soul.” – Rebecca Solnit (born 1961).

[Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit (2004), pg. 137].

Rebecca Solnit is referring to nonviolent acts of resistance and  civil disobedience as used in – for example – the civil rights movement and the anti nuclear movement.

Hope in the Dark is a lovely, hopeful book. I recommend it very highly.

About Andrew Shattuck McBride

I am a writer, editor, writing coach, and consultant. I work in a variety of genres, including poetry, short stories, and creative non-fiction. I also have a couple of novels simmering on back burners. THANK YOU to Nan Macy of Village Books for taking this photo (June 2011).
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