Publication in Cirque!

I am delighted to report that I recently received an acceptance from the editors of Cirque, A Literary Journal for the North Pacific Rim. Cirque is a beautiful literary journal!

Thank you to Editors Sandra Kleven and Mike Burwell.

Read the new issue here. My poem “Invitation” appears on page 34.

Originally, I wrote it for the Sue C. Boynton Poetry Contest here in Whatcom County, Washington State. However, I decided last year not to submit it to the Boynton Contest. I am delighted that “Invitation” has a fine home!

Press on with YOUR writing!

Sincerely, Andrew

About Andrew Shattuck McBride

I am a writer, editor, writing coach, and consultant. I work in a variety of genres, including poetry, short stories, and creative non-fiction. I also have a couple of novels simmering on back burners. THANK YOU to Nan Macy of Village Books for taking this photo (June 2011).
This entry was posted in Andrew Shattuck McBride Writer, Notes on the Literary Life, Samples, Trail Offerings. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Publication in Cirque!

  1. susanissima says:

    That’s so awesome, Andy! Cirque is a lovely lit mag and it’s an honor for your work to appear there. Bravo!

  2. Carey Taylor says:

    Congrats Andrew! I saw your work in my recent issue and am so happy it found a home at Cirque. Keep up the good work.

  3. Dear Carey, thank you so much! Great to see your work, too. All the best, Andrew

  4. Congratulations, Andrew. Been away from the blogosphere more than usual as of late. Good to be reading you again and seeing your publication successes.

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