NaPoWriMo ~ Day Eleven Prompt

Write a poem about, or incorporating, color.

What is your favorite color? Is there a color you don’t like? Or, is there a color you are not enthused about? A color you avoid in personal decisions, in product purchases?

Is there a color symbolic of an important relationship to you?

Write a poem incorporating your favorite color and a color you don’t like.

Write about what these colors mean to you. Go deep; don’t hold back!


A few years ago, I wrote a series of poems about cobalt blue. This is one of my favorite colors; it was also my mother’s favorite color. Unfortunately, my relationship with Mom was troubled. I loved her, and she loved me—but we still had a difficult relationship. Writing poems about cobalt blue objects and birds helped me process my feelings about our relationship, especially after her death.


So, write your poem! Good luck!


All the best,

Andrew Shattuck McBride


About Andrew Shattuck McBride

I am a writer, editor, writing coach, and consultant. I work in a variety of genres, including poetry, short stories, and creative non-fiction. I also have a couple of novels simmering on back burners. THANK YOU to Nan Macy of Village Books for taking this photo (June 2011).
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2 Responses to NaPoWriMo ~ Day Eleven Prompt

  1. personal? says:

    Fake News and Angora Cats

    The man in cobalt at the bar
    Starts talking to a couple from afar
    Unsure of what to say
    He bids them a good day
    Smiling as he drives away in his car

    -Nanette & Austin

    • Yaayyy! Nanette & Austin, you exemplify “awesomeness.”

      I walk. So, perhaps the last line could be:

      Smiling as he walks away from the bar

      I am smiling, again. Thank you.

      It was great meeting you two! Happy Holidays and all the best to you and yours,

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