Plane of Existence

The plane of existence is not
an unbroken plain–rather, a complex
geography with ever-changing views:
now an expansive vista & joy
now a slot canyon under shard
of sky & pain or wonder. We wander
& shift perspectives. Pain is a reminder
calling us to make peace with the past,
to tend to ourselves & mind the present.
Here it is time for the lawn service,
& earnest young people work mowers
& leaf blowers toward me. Time, too,
is a minder–fall is approaching.

Andrew Shattuck McBride


“Plane of Existence” is my August 21st poem for the postcard poetry project. I used an antique card view of three perspectives of “Mount St. Helens, Washington.” I mailed it to Suanna of Abilene, Texas.

Blessings to Suanna and all, Andy

About Andrew Shattuck McBride

I am a writer, editor, writing coach, and consultant. I work in a variety of genres, including poetry, short stories, and creative non-fiction. I also have a couple of novels simmering on back burners. THANK YOU to Nan Macy of Village Books for taking this photo (June 2011).
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2 Responses to Plane of Existence

  1. So lovely, Andy–I sure like all the long “a” sounds, as well as the multiple interweavings of sounds, words, and ideas. And wisdom: “Pain is a reminder / to make peace with the past, / to tend to ourselves and mind the present.”

    Fall certainly is in the air here this morning!

    • Jennifer, thank you so much!

      My starting point was the Jan/Feb 2012 issue of The American Poetry Review you loaned me. In Frederick Smock’s article “A Lost Classic: David Shapiro’s Lateness” I found Shapiro’s line “This is your life pushing against unbreakable panes.” It’s from “The Devil’s Trill Sonata.” That line was my inspiration.

      Ah, yes: pain. We should also stock aspirin (and Scotch).

      Thank you so much for the loan, too! Sincerely, Andy

      P.S. Yaayyy, fall!

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